- Environment: Two of Wands
- Unknown: Seven of Cups
- Known: Knight of Wands
- Action: Four of Wands
The choices you make and actions you take today help set you on the path toward accomplishment. You’ve been offered an opportunity that’s so good it may even scare you a little, but you’ve made the decision to step up and go for it. Your energy and enthusiasm are driving you forward, but take a few minutes today to celebrate your decision with friends and family.
In the Environment position, the Two of Wands suggests that you’ve made a firm decision to step outside your comfort zone in pursuit of a larger goal. You’ve made your plans and set things in motion, and though it may be some time before you see real results, you know it really is just a matter of time.
In the Unknown position, the Seven of Cups speaks of all the dreams and fantasies that arise from your decision. In the earliest days of a project, it’s easy to get carried away with ideas of wild success — or drastic failure. At this point, all of these paths are open, including many you may never have considered.
In the Known position, the Knight of Wands recognizes that you have the energy and enthusiasm to dive right into the steps toward your goal. Your excitement is inspiring to both yourself and others, so it’s easy to get carried away and try to move too fast.
Quick Recap: You’ve started on a new project or idea, and have taken the first steps to turn it into reality. From this point, your project could lead in many directions and have many different results, and it’s easy to get caught up in the excitement and push ahead too fast and too soon.
In the Action position, the Four of Wands tells you to take a step back and celebrate your decision with friends and family. It’s not easy to actually make a commitment and follow through with it. You deserve a day off to celebrate.
*** Correspondence Notes ***
Power Tarot is about using the Tarot as an empowerment tool to help you build the life you want to live. When used this way, the cards can help you gain insight into your own motivations and point you in the direction that will help you achieve your goals.