Practice Patience

  • Environment: Hasty Actions – The Knight of Wands
  • Unknown: Decisions – The Two of Swords
  • Known: Mastery – The Three of Pentacles
  • Action: Patience – The Eight of Pentacles
Interpretation Summary
You’re excited and ready to forge ahead, but the time may not be right. Consider all the consequences carefully before making a move and let your knowledge and expertise guide you. You’ve laid the groundwork and planted the seeds. Now, it’s time to wait patiently for the harvest.

In the Environment position, the card suggests that .
In the Unknown position, card .
In the Known position, the card .

Quick Recap: .

In the Action position, the card

 *** Correspondence Notes ***

Power Tarot is about using the Tarot as an empowerment tool to help you build the life you want to live. When used this way, the cards can help you gain insight into your own motivations and point you in the direction that will help you achieve your goals.