The Fool – Inspiration

The Fool faces each day as an adventure, a chance to discover new things, set off in new directions, or enjoy experiences in new and novel ways.


A youthful figure walks along the edge of a grassy cliff overlooking a body of water. They are clad in traveling clothes and sturdy boots, carry a bulding backpack on their shoulders, and a walking staff in one hand. A dragonet perchese on the illuminated ball at the top of the staff.

The Fool as Daily Inspiration

Are you prepared to face the day, or will you set off with no plans or preparation, trusting fate to keep you safe and show you what you need to see? When this card appears as your daily inpspiration, you’re being challenged to trust in the universe to provide what you need. This may be the day to take a meandering ride in the countryside, sit down with a sketch pad, or try that scary recipe. The Fool’s message is to be spontaneous — but not blindly so. Before you set off into the unknown, ask yourself what’s the worst that could happen — and then, be sure to pack lunch, a map, and whatever other tools you might need to get you through sticky situations. Whatever comes your way today, be ready to roll with it. You never know where the road may lead you.